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Organization & Regulations



臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系系主任推選辦法Election Methods for the Chairman of the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系教師評審委員設置要點Guidelines for Establishing Teacher Assessment Committee of the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系教師評鑑實施要點Implementation Guidelines for Assessment of Teachers in the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系系務會議設置辦法Guidelines for Departmental Affairs Meeting of the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系碩士班雙聯學制甄選要點Selection Guidelines for Dual Degree System of the Master’s Program in the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系系課程委員會設置要點Guidelines for Establishing the Curriculum Committee of University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系教師教學實務升等審查規定Review Regulations for the Promotion of Teachers’ Teaching Practices in the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry

臺北市立大學應用物理暨化學系教師聘任與升等審查要點Guidelines for Reviewing the Promotion and Appointment of Teachers at the University of Taipei’s Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry



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